About Us
About Us
Betty has been making movies since she was a kid. Some would say that she never grew up and that explains her present occupation. Supporting her love of the camera is a deep love of a good story and a unique ability to connect with all kinds of people.
Betty has written three novels, many short stories and poems and is also a fine actress and comic, plays guitar, sings and writes songs and instrumental music and has been known to paint and wield a mean piece of charcoal.
Jo has extensive experience in the day to day as well as the "big picture" aspects of running an organization from many years as an Executive Assistant for high profile non-profits. She is also a skilled graphic designer, web designer and all around computer and internet geek. In her earlier work life, she was a technician for Intel maintaining test equipment for some of the first personal computer chips and Supervisor of Computer Controls (Willie Wonka) at a large candy and snack food manufacturer.
The creative arts are also a big part of who she is and what she loves. As a child, she used to entertain the relatives by singing and dancing Shirley Temple numbers and later by playing her violin. She is also a published poet, writer, performer and occasional stand-up comic.

Ian Carruthers
Owner / Chief Filmmaker / Sales
Ian has been making movies since he was a kid. Some would say that he never grew up and that explains his present occupation. Supporting his love of the camera is a deep love of a good story and a unique ability to connect with all kinds of people.
When Ian is shooting your film, be ready for more fun than you ever expected to have with a consummate professional. He’ll do a great job, put everyone involved at ease and leave you thinking about what project you need to do next to promote your business.
Ian has written three novels, many short stories and poems and is also a fine actor and comic, plays guitar, sings and writes songs and instrumental music and has been known to paint and wield a mean piece of charcoal.

Jo Nemoyten
Owner / COEE*
Jo has extensive experience in the day to day as well as the “big picture” aspects of running an organization from many years as an Executive Assistant for high profile non-profits. She is also a skilled graphic designer, web designer and all around computer and internet geek. In her earlier work life, she was a technician for Intel maintaining test equipment for some of the first personal computer chips and Supervisor of Computer Controls (Willie Wonka) at a large candy and snack food manufacturer.
The creative arts are also a big part of who she is and what she loves. As a child, she used to entertain the relatives by singing and dancing Shirley Temple numbers and later by playing her violin. She is also a published poet, writer, performer and occasional stand-up comic.
*COEE – Chief Officer of Everything Else